(call proshop for details on listed events)

1-MarSatBegin Posting Scores
4-MarTuesLadies’ Division Opening Day
8-MarSatSnorting Elk
30-MarSunLast day of Winter Tour
31-MarMonAerification (Option #1)
1-AprTueAerification (Option #1)
4-AprFriWinter Tour Party
12-AprSatThe Masters Sweeps (Make Your Own Tee Time Up To 2 PM)
26-AprSatSpring Classic Team Night (Dinner/Auction/Calcutta)
27-AprSunSpring Classic Round 1 Begins
28-AprMonOlympic League Championship
5-MayMonWomen’s Best Ball Championship (AM Tee Times)
6-MayTueWomen’s Best Ball Championship (AM Tee Times)
11-MaySunMother’s Day
17-MaySatPGA Championship Sweeps (Make Your Own Tee Time Up To 2 PM)
17-MaySatSpring Classic Round 1 Ends
18-MaySunSpring Classic Round 2 Begins
26-MayMonMemorial Day Jamboree (1:00 Shotgun)
1-JunSunPast Presidents’ Golf Outing and Dinner (12:00 Shotgun)
6-JunFriSpring Classic Round 2 Ends
7-JunSatSpring Classic Semi-Finals and Dinner 
8-JunSunSpring Classic Finals
11-JunWedLadies’ Invitational Practice Rounds (Available after 1:00)
12-JunThuLadies’ Invitational (9:00 Shotgun)
13-JunFriLadies’ Invitational (9:00 Shotgun)
14-JunSatU.S. Open Sweeps (Make Your Own Tee Time Up To 2 PM)
15-JunSunFather’s Day 
20-JunFriKitsap Am Practice Rounds (call for tee times)
21-JunSatKitsap Am (course closed)
22-JunSunKitsap Am (course closed)
27-MayFriWines on Nine (6:00 Shotgun)
28-JunSatHerrmann Classic (3:00 Shotgun)
30-JunMonPSWGA Tournament
5-JulSatGlow Ball (Starts at Dusk)
7-JulMonGreater Tacoma Team Event (9:00 Shotgun)
11-JulFriBest Putter in The Club (6 PM)
12-JulSatClub & Junior Club Championship Weekend
13-JulSunClub & Junior Club Championship Weekend
15-JulTueWomen’s Division Guest Day
16-JulWedBad Dog Practice Rounds (call for tee times)
16-JulWedBritish Open Sweeps (Make Your Own Tee Time Up To 2 PM)
17-JulThuWomen’s Bad Dog (1:00 Shotgun)
18-JulFriWomen’s Bad Dog (9:00 Shotgun)
18-JulFriMen’s Bad Dog Practice Rounds (2:30 Shotgun, call for slots)
19-JulSatMen’s Bad Dog (course closed)
20-JulSunMen’s Bad Dog (course closed)
27-JulSunKitsap Cancer Tournament (8:30 Shotgun)
2-AugSatWines on Nine (4:30 Shotgun)
7-AugThuMen’s Member/Guest Tournament 
8-AugFriMen’s Member/Guest Tournament 
9-AugSatMen’s Member/Guest Tournament 
16-AugSatMr. Miyagi Open honoring James Marsh (2:30 Shotgun)
17-AugSunKitsap Cup Qualifying Round (Make Your Own Tee Times)
19-AugTueKitsap Stampede Top Hands Golf Tournament (1:30 Shotgun)
22-AugFriCouples Tournament Horse Race
23-AugSatCouples Tournament (9:00 Shotgun)
24-AugSunCouples Tournament (9:00 Shotgun)
1-SepMonLabor Day Jamboree (1:30 Shotgun)
6-SepSatCougar Alumni Classic (2:00 Shotgun)
12-SepFriRound Robin Match Play
13-SepSatRound Robin Match Play
14-SepSunRound Robin Match Play
20-SepSatGreen Tee Open presented by the R.S.G.A. (2:00 Shotgun)
27-SepSatWines on Nine (4:00 Shotgun)
11-OctSatMen’s Field Day (9:00 Shotgun)
26-OctSunWinter Tour Practice Round (9:30 Shotgun) 
2-NovSunWinter Tour Week 1
15-NovSatFinal Day to Post Scores
27-NovThuThanksgiving (Gobble gobble!)
28-NovFriTurkey Shoot

Kitsap Golf & Country Club does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include but are not limited to, hiring, and firing of staff, the acceptance of new members, and provisions of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, members, guests, vendors, and clients.

Some history about our course designer, Francis James. Click here to see a map of the courses designed by Frank James, we think the breadth of his designs will astound you.

Visitor number: 20,340
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